Timecard Safety Net User Guide

Recover deleted timecard lines with the web portal's Timecard Safety Net.

Restore Deleted Timecard Lines

  1. Prepare the batch.
    • If the lines were removed from a batch that still exists, skip to step 2.

    • If the entire batch was cleared and canceled, use the Timecard Dashboard to create a new batch. The deleted lines will be restored to this batch.

  2. Log into the portal as a Timecard Admin or System Admin.
  3. Navigate to Employee Tools > Safety Net.
  4. Select the Company you want to restore deleted lines from.
  5. In the Batch From field, select the Batch ID you want to restore lines from. In the Batch To field, select the Batch ID you want to restore lines to. When searching for batches, note how the Batch From and Batch To fields are sorted:
    • Data in the Batch From dropdown field is sorted in descending order by PR End Date, PR Group, and then Batch ID number.

    • Data in the Batch To dropdown field is sorted in descending order by PR End Date and then Batch ID number.

    Note: If restoring lines to an existing batch, then Batch From and Batch To will be the same Batch ID.
  6. All deleted items in the selected Batch From will be visible in the grid. Use the checkboxes to indicate which items you'd like to restore, or select all items with the top checkbox.
  7. When you've selected all relevant items, select Restore Items.

    For any items that can't be restored, review the error message and try to troubleshoot.

  8. The restored items are now back in Vista within Batch To. You'll no longer see them in the Safety Net. You can open up the batch in Vista to confirm.

Safety Net Users

The Deleted By column of the Timecard Safety Net populates with Safety Net users that vary depending on where in the portal an item was deleted.

  • Lines deleted from Grid or Standard Timecards will show the VP User Name or Employee Name if there is no VP User Name.
  • Items deleted from a bulk process in the portal, such as clearing a batch or cloning time, will show the portal DB service account name.
  • Items deleted within Vista show the Vista User Name.
  • Items deleted via SQL will show the user who ran the delete in SQL.

Additional Information

  • The Timecard Safety Net is enabled by default.
  • Safety Net data is stored within the vPRTimecardSafetyNet table in Vista.
  • Lines that are processed in Vista will be recorded in the Safety Net.
  • The safety net data is held for the number of days entered in the portal setting Number of days to keep Timecard Safety Net data (portal setting location: Admin > Portal Settings > Administration / Initial Setup > Advanced Configuration).
    Note: Changes to this setting will not update the Safety Net feature until the next day.
  • Timecard Safety Net data in the Batch From dropdown field is sorted by PR End Date, PR Group, then Batch ID number.