Configure Direct Deposit for Onboarding

If you use Onboarding and include direct deposit as an onboarding step, some of the portal settings under Personal Information > Direct Deposit Configuration also apply to the Direct Deposit page in the onboarding process.

For help adding the direct deposit step to Onboarding, see Set Up Onboarding Profiles.
  1. Select Admin > Portal Settings > Onboarding / ATS > General Configuration.
  2. Select the checkbox for the portal setting Initialize New Hires to Payroll.
    Important: You must enable this setting in order for the options to include direct deposit (as a required or optional step) to be available when setting up onboarding profiles.

    This setting allows new hire direct deposit information to be pushed to the Payroll module in Vista. When this setting is enabled, a PR Employee field displays (grayed out) on the Initialize to Vista pop-up window in Onboarding. This field is updated with the new hire's employee number during the initialization process.

  3. If you want to add custom instructions or other text to the direct deposit step that new hires see during onboarding, select Admin > Portal Settings > Onboarding / ATS > Custom Headers.
  4. For the portal setting Custom text to show on Direct Deposit page, select Edit Text, and enter your text in the rich text editor.
  5. Select Admin > Portal Settings > Personal Information > Direct Deposit Configuration.
  6. Review the following direct deposit configuration settings, which impact the direct deposit step in Onboarding.
    • Attachment Type for Direct Deposit Attachments: Allows you to assign a default attachment type for the supporting documentation, such as a voided check, that employees submit as part of their direct deposit setup. This default attachment type displays during Personal Info Approval. Attachment types are set up in Vista.

    • Require an attachment for changing direct deposit information: For Onboarding, supporting documentation is required for the direct deposit step by default, regardless of your selection in this setting.

    • Frequency Code to Apply to Direct Deposit Additional Accounts: Enter a frequency code to use for additional direct deposit accounts (not the primary account). This field is required for Onboarding. Frequency codes are set up in Vista.

  7. If you want users to be able to manage and update their direct deposit information in the portal after they are onboarded, be sure to enable the portal setting Show Manage Direct Deposit tab in Personal Info.

    This adds the Manage Direct Deposit Accounts section to Update Info.